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Welcome to My Book Shelf.  On this page and probably also on my blog, I hope to write about some of my favorite writers and teachers, those whose work has deeply moved me and influenced my journey.  Since I am only now setting up my website, I will just begin with a list of a few of those who have had the most influence on my journey.  There are so many more, and since I am still learning and growing, the list will continue to grow.  My long range plan (hope) is that I will be able to write short commentaries about some of them and maybe even have copies of book covers.

Jesus of Nazareth

Swami Dayananda Saraswasti

Sant Keshavadas

Catherine Sprietsma-Adler

Swami Ramdas of Kanhangad

Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati

Anne Lamott

Pema Chodron

Walter Wink

John Dominic Crossan

Marcus Borg

Michael Morewood

Wendell Berry

Rachel Held Evans

Nadia Bolz-Weber

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Thich Nhat Hanh

James Baldwin 

Aldous Huxley

Ursula K. LeGuin

Theodora Kroeber

Meher Baba

Brené Brown

© 2022 by John Cahall. Proudly created with

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